
Spring tips


Winter was long, but spring has finally arrived and is spoiling us with slightly warmer temperatures and blue skies! The first rays of spring sunshine are always balm for the soul. It is already the third Corona spring, but luckily the sun is constant in these wild times and the magnolias already have big buds and will soon show their full bloom. It’s high time to enjoy spring and soak up some sun and vitamin D. You can find out how to make the most of spring here:

Here are the RegensburgNow tips for spring in Corona times!

1. go hiking. Finally get some fresh air again. There are some wonderful hiking trails around Regensburg. How about a trip to the Otterbachtal valley, for example? Or to the Alpinen Steig (click here for the article Excursion Schönhofen). You can find even more tips here on our website under “Excursion tips”.

2. picnic. Just a blanket, drinks, a little something to eat and a spot in the countryside and your picnic is ready. Our favorite places for a picnic are for example:
the Dörnbergpark, the Danube meadows near the Andreasstadel and the Grieser Spitz. 3. go on a bike tour.
Our favorite bike tour leads to Kallmünz (28km). Cycle along the Danube cycle path to Mariaort, cross the railroad bridge there and continue along the Naabtal cycle path to Kallmünz. At Mariaort, you can alternatively take the Schwarze-Laber cycle path towards Sinzing. This is also a wonderful route.

4th spring cleaning. It’s never too late for spring cleaning and when it’s finally done it feels really good!

5. barbecue. Halloumi with cocktail sauce, pasta salad and a shandy, in the garden, on the balcony or by the Danube… whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or meat-eater: barbecuing works for everyone and is simply delicious. Here is our favorite pasta salad recipe: Cook 500 grams of pasta (preferably farfalle) in salted water until al dente, drain and rinse. Chop 200 grams of feta, 200 grams of dried tomato from the jar, 2 cloves of garlic and approx. 30 basil leaves. Mix everything with 50 milliliters of olive oil, salt and pepper (freshly ground). Toast 100 grams of pine nuts and mix in. Done.

6. urban gardening. If you want to grow your own vegetables or are simply looking for a new hobby (see next point), you should join an urban gardening initiative. In Regensburg, for example, this is Transition. If you don’t have your own garden, you can grow your own vegetables with the Transition garden group in the community garden in Stadtamhof. Pure urban gardening. You can also grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers or lettuce on your balcony.

7. start a new hobby. It’s never too late for a new hobby! Have you ever stood on a stand-up paddle board (SUP for short)? Or tried balancing on a slackline? No? Then go for it. You can hire SUPs at Sarchinger Weiher or at SUP-PORT-REGENSBURG, Großprüfening 38.

8. do sports outside. Jogging is probably one of the most popular outdoor activities, but how about the classic trim trail, for example at Oberer Wöhrd or badminton?

9. eat asparagus. Asparagus season is about to begin. On June 24, the asparagus season will be over again and since it is so healthy and delicious, we have decided to take full advantage of the asparagus season this spring! 10. play boccia. Almost everyone knows this Italian version of boules from their childhood. The aim of boccia is to throw your own balls as close as possible to a smaller target ball or to shoot the opponent’s balls away. Whoever is closest to the target ball wins. You only need a small piece of grass for boccia, which also works well in the park. The cross boules variant with soft balls can even be played indoors.

Have a great spring!

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