• Leisure time,  Top Ten

    Being a tourist

    BE A TOURIST IN YOUR OWN CITY! Have you ever been on a city tour? Or at the tourist information office, just to have a look? At the top of the Trinity Church tower? No? Well then, it’s high time! Most of us avoid the typical “tourist spots” in Regensburg. But it’s really nice to let yourself drift and look through the eyes of a visitor. You’ll see, it’s fun!…

  • City tour,  Leisure time


    REGENSBURG ORIGINALS & SPECIAL FEATURES. A declaration of love. A few years ago, if you told people that you were from Regensburg, they would often ask “Where is that?”. In the meantime, the level of awareness of our city has increased significantly. After all, the entire Old Town including Stadtamhof was awarded the UNESCO World Heritage title in 2006. In Germany, only the old towns of Bamberg, Goslar, Lübeck, Weimar,…

  • Excursion,  Top Ten

    Discover the Upper Palatinate

    EXCURSION TIPS FOR THE UPPER PALATINATE! Why wander far and wide when there are so many beautiful excursion destinations nearby! As much as we love Regensburg, we also love exploring the surrounding area. If you need a change of scenery, there’s plenty to discover in the Upper Palatinate. And if you still have no idea where to go on your next excursion, you can get some inspiration from us here.…

  • Excursion,  Hiking

    Altmühl Valley

    EXCURSION TO THE ALTMÜHLTAL! From Prunn Castle to Essing and back. This time last year, we were out and about in the beautiful Altmühl Valley on the Altmühl Panorama Trail. Geo magazine named this trail one of the ten most beautiful hiking trails in Germany. It runs along the Altmühl from Gunzenhausen to Kelheim, is 200 km long in total and leads right through the Altmühltal Nature Park. We only…

  • Social affairs,  Tips


    KOPFHOCH – Help for young people. Back in 2019, we presented the online and telephone counseling service for children and young people Kopfhoch.de on RegensburgNow.de. Now that stress has increased due to coronavirus and the war in Ukraine, we would like to present this great project again. By calling 0800-5458668, a team of around 40 volunteers and two full-time specialists offer anonymous, free and professional help and advice for children…

  • Shopping,  Sustainability

    Sustainable shopping

    SUSTAINABLE SHOPPING. How can we shop more sustainably? Where can you actually shop packaging-free in Regensburg? We recently asked ourselves these questions again. Even though we make it a point to go to the market every week, sometimes we just don’t have the time and end up shopping at the supermarket again. And the mountains of waste grow and grow. In Germany, each inhabitant produces an average of 37.4 kilos…

  • City tour,  History

    Golden Tower

    FROM THE SERIES: REGENSBURG TOWERS! Regensburg is known for its patrician towers or “Geschlechtertürme”. No city north of the Alps has as many medieval towers as Regensburg. In the Middle Ages, the rich Regensburg patricians copied the towers from their Italian trading colleagues. The towers were stone status symbols of the upper classes, most of whom were merchant families. It is said that the term “stony rich” comes from this…

  • Culture


    THE STATT THEATER IN REGENSBURG. Regensburg not only has a municipal theater with five sections, but a whole theater landscape. We would like to introduce you to the various theaters this year. Let’s start with Regensburg’s Statt-Theater and a guest article by Ursula Gaisa (immerschick.de): The Statt-Theater cabaret theater in Winklergasse is a legendary venue in the heart of Regensburg. For almost 40 years, you can experience cabaret and cabaret…

  • Culinary,  History,  Inns


    THE HISTORIC WURSTKUCHL! Known throughout the world simply as the “Wurstkuchl”, this historic cooking and sausage kitchen has long since become the epitome of Regensburg, along with the Stone Bridge and the cathedral. Situated at the foot of the world-famous bridge, right next to the Salzstadel, it was the place to go for workers, stonemasons and dockers to have a hearty meal during the construction of the bridge and the…

  • Social affairs

    Good intentions

    DOING GOOD! Fresh into the new year, you usually still have good resolutions. Finally taking on a voluntary position or doing something else good. This makes sense, especially after Christmas and all the presents under the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, it’s not just children who still measure their world by the worldly things they receive as presents. We “adults” also forget that not everyone is doing so well because of all…

  • Gifts,  Leisure time

    Games evening

    OUR FAVORITE GAMES! Traditionally, we put at least one game under the Christmas tree every year, because for us the time around Christmas and New Year’s Eve is always game time. That’s why we’ve rummaged through our game collection again and picked out a few tips for you. There are games for friends, for two players or for the whole family. One of the games can even be played alone.…

  • Gifts,  Shopping

    More gifts

    TYPICAL REGENSBURG! Now it’s high time to find a gift for dad, grandma or that nice neighbor! We have once again rummaged through the traditional stores in Regensburg and found some specialists and even more unusual specialties. Have fun visiting the interesting stores and finding gifts somewhere completely different! 10 Even more “real Rengschburga” with tradition: 1) Over 190 years of experience with a sharp blade Actually, you shouldn’t give…