• Art,  Interview

    Carolin Samson

    A FEW QUESTIONS FOR… CAROLIN SAMSON! Carolin Samson is a multi-talented artist, curator and publisher of “TheWhyNot” magazine. She loves art and lives it here in Regensburg, among other places. With ROOMSERVICE, there was a great project this year in which artists had the opportunity to show their work in hotel rooms at the LUIS Hotel. The next exciting project will follow on September 12: THEWHYNOT POPUP GALLERY at the…

  • Leisure time

    Regensburg Dult

    Regensburger Dult as an offshoot of the spring and fall fairs of the Middle Ages. The Regensburger Herbstdult is still on until September 9th. As I’m not a Regensburg native, I was interested to know where the DULT actually comes from. According to the Duden dictionary, the word DULT simply means fair. The Gothic word ‘dulps’ means something like “exuberant festival”. Makes sense. In the early Middle Ages, fairs were…

  • History

    Baumburg Tower

    From the series: Regensburg towers! Everyone who visits Regensburg for the first time notices them immediately and is fascinated by the many towers. When you live in Regensburg, you don’t even consciously notice them all – at least not the smaller ones. No city north of the Alps has as many medieval towers as Regensburg. Up to 60 towers are said to have shaped the Regensburg skyline in the Middle…

  • City tour,  Tips


    SPECIAL FEATURES IN REGENSBURG! Regensburg has a lot of special things to offer. Curious street names. Or the small monuments, such as the city mouse. The most towers north of the Alps. And much more! Here is the overview, just click on the link: The mushroom kiosk Baumburg Tower Street names The city mouse   (unpaid advertising due to naming and shaming) Our excursion tips on Facebook: Do you already…

  • History

    Street names

    MEANING OF STREET NAMES: Many streets or squares in Regensburg are self-explanatory, such as the Kohlenmarkt, the Fischmarkt and the Alter Kornmarkt. Some names reveal the professions that were located here at the time, such as Lederergasse or Weißgerbergraben. You can see what other streets are named after here: GOLDENE BÄREN STRASSE: named after the former inn “Zum Goldenen Bären” (house number 6). ROTER HERZFLECK: also named after an inn.…