
October tips


The summer clothes have just been put away and golden October is already here. We are looking forward to this month, to colorful leaves, autumn hikes, chestnuts, mushroom picking and pumpkin soup. And of course we are looking forward to a few special events in Regensburg.

We are looking forward to the Queer-Streifen cinema festival, which takes place in the Andreasstadel cinemas from October 17 to 23. We are looking forward to the pop culture festival push5 from October 25 to 27. And we are looking forward to many readings, including Wladimir Kaminer, Jan Weiler and many more.

As always, we have put together a personal selection with further tips for you.

Here are our monthly tips for October:

01.10.2024 “Trotzdem Musik” at 7.30 pm in the Turmtheater
Fantastic piano music by the talented young pianist Sofia Mishkurova. Great compositions played live by the Ukrainian band Bass&Bus. Other guest musicians will enrich the evening at the Turmtheater. Enjoy! Relax! Celebrate music!

02.10.2024 Long Night of Democracy 5.30pm-2.45pm
“What holds our society together” is this year’s theme. In Regensburg, we also want to look at the effects of digitalization on our society. However, we will not only be discussing the dangers, but also the opportunities. All interested Regensburg residents are cordially invited to discuss, question and experience what makes our society tick: with talks, poetry slams and much more, with free admission from 5.30 pm throughout the evening.

02.10.2024 Steffi Denk & Flexible Friends at 20:00 at Jazzclub Leerer Beutel
With her charismatic voice and incomparable stage presence, Steffi Denk has not only made a name for herself in the jazz scene. Together with her Flexible Friends, she will present a diverse mixture of jazz, swing, soul and chansons at the Regensburg Jazzclub.

The title of the concert “Our Favorite Things” promises a selection of the artists’ favorite pieces, which they will interpret with passion and musical virtuosity.
Let yourself be enchanted by the rousing energy and the sensitive sounds of the band!

SteffiDenk Flexible Friends( c) Uli Zrenner Wolkenstein

02./03.10.2024 Two like us (Wrong for each other) at 7.30 pm in the Turmtheater
Comedy by Norm Foster
They fell in love, laughed, argued, sought happiness and got married. They shaped their future and yet lost each other again. It is now three years and nine months since Rudy and Nora’s marriage ended in front of a judge. The chance reunion in a restaurant is both a joyful and painful memory, and perhaps also a bit of hope.

03-05.10.2024 Eva Eiselt: “Jetzt oder Sie!” at 19:30 at STATT-THEATER
The end of the PatriarChat – you have left the group.

Eva Eiselt is no longer an insider tip. She has long since won household appliance prizes ranging from the Stuttgart Broom to the St. Ingbert Pan and so the current winner of the German Cabaret Prize leaps onto the stage full of energy, feeding several kilowatt hours into our intellectual power grid along the way.
Eva Eiselt remains her own boss – and that as a woman – and gives everything for what we urgently need again and again.

03.10.2024 Enlightenment To Go – The coaching cabaret show at 7.30 pm at Kolpinghaus
A wild mix of comedy and inspiration: this stage program is the over-the-counter motivational pill for getting on with the important things in life.

Here, everything revolves around the question: How can I bring more light back into my life despite the daily madness?
Regensburg cabaret artist and trained coach Christian Kirschner has shed light on this topic. After more than 20 years of experience with personal development and self-realization, he has found many answers. But not one thing: enlightenment.

04.-06.10.2024 The 39 Steps comedy based on Alfred Hitchcock by Patrick Barlow at 19.30 in the Turmtheater (Sunday 18.00)
During a performance by Mister Memory, a man who earns his money with his incredible memory, shots are fired. Panic breaks out, people rush out and the attractive Annabelle Schmidt literally falls into the arms of Canadian Richard Hannay. She feels persecuted and invites herself to Hannay’s home, where she confides in him that she is a spy. She tells him about stolen documents and the mysterious “39 Steps”. Shortly afterwards, Hannay finds Annabelle dead in his apartment with a knife in her back. …

04.10.2024 Wladimir Kaminer at 20.00 at the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
Few people are as curious about their neighbors as WLADIMIR KAMINER. Whether it’s about individual people or entire countries. On his travels through Europe, WLADIMIR KAMINER nibbles from the plates of Portugal as well as from the honey pots of Bulgaria, he drinks the wine of Moldova and dips his spoon into the pots of Serbia. Above all, however, he talks to the people and delves deep into their history and stories. His forays reveal a Europe that is as diverse, colorful and surprising as its food.

05.10.2024 FEM JAM 3 – colorful, feminist evening from 18.00 to 21.00 Prinz-Leopold-Kaserne
You can expect a great program with colorful contributions around the overarching theme of feminism – including spoken word, music and inputs from many great people. Registrations for your own contributions are still possible until 30.09. via

The event starts at 6 p.m. in the PLK’s KUBUS in the middle of the “Women-Friendly” exhibition.

05.10.2024 The Statt-Theater Brettl at 7.30 pm at the STATT-THEATER Kleinkunstbühne
“Andrea Limmer presents:” Christoph Maul and Karin Rabhansl

Small, cheeky and punchy, she will conjure up a mix of flowers from the cabaret and comedy scene on the stage for you, dear guests, to enjoy.
This time, Christoph Maul, who has been steeled by the Franconian carnival, and the ravishing front woman of the Rabhansl band from Nuremberg, Karin Rabhansl, will be there.
Both are now also traveling solo.
Enjoy fun, slapstick and groovy music in the depths of our vaulted cellar.

05.10.2024 Fast food theater at 20.00 in the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
Taken directly from life, fast, funny and intelligent, the actors of the FASTFOOD-THEATERS transform audience suggestions into unexpected scenes, great theater, critical cabaret or rousing songs. The high level of speed, surprising twists and small gags that are created on the spur of the moment are always phenomenal. The Best of Impro-Show has long since become an entertainment classic. Awarded the audience prize at the Bavarian Theater Festival.

06.10.2024 Inclusive dance theater 15.00-18.00 Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei
Annette Vogel and Laura Meißauer from TANZTHEATER ANNETTE VOGEL have created the dance piece “klapptbestimmt24” with dancers and wheelchair users. A documentary film was also made about it (see Mälze media library). The two choreographers are now following up on this successful project with a meeting for people interested in dance, where everyone can take part. People with and without disabilities, dancers and amateurs of all ages are invited. Admission is free.

06.10.2024 Big Band Meeting 19.00 h Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
The ISLE OF SWING BIGBAND and the BIGBAND DES GOETHE-GYMNASIUMS have maintained a partnership for several years, which is expressed through joint projects. On October 6, 2024, both orchestras will meet at Jazzclub Regensburg to continue this tradition.
A total of 50 musicians will be performing in both big bands. The audience can look forward to a varied program ranging from jazz and film music to pop, funk and soul, which is crowned by instrumental and vocal soloists.

07.10.2024 Session in the Leerer Beutel at 20:00 in the Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel with Django’s Delight
“Playing beautiful melodies and a rhythm underneath that pushes”, that is the philosophy of Django’s Delight. With its repertoire of gypsy swing, modern jazz standards and film music, the quartet is completely open in terms of content. In addition to pieces from the field of gypsy swing, Django’s Delight also presents standards from the jazz, swing and bossa nova genres as well as compositions by guitarist Helmut Nieberle, who died in 2020.

08.10.2024 Iphigenia’s Revenge at 7.30 pm Theater am Haidplatz | also 09./11./12./13./15./18./20./22./23.10.2024

Locked up in her nursery, Iphigenia awaits her execution. In several attempts, she tries to tell us her story and how it came about: It all started with her great-great-grandfather Tantalus and a family curse. Two generations later, her father Agamemnon instigated the Trojan War by allegedly stealing Helen and angered the goddess Artemis by killing a sacred hind. As punishment, she sends him a calm so that his ships cannot sail any further towards Troy…

09.10.2024 Suchtpotenzial at 20.00 at the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
Ten years of SUCHTPOTENZIAL, that’s ten years of “tits, keys, temperaments”! Despite all adversity, Germany’s most successful alcopop duo always remains hairy but fair. Because in a crisis-ridden world, in the face of the apocalypse, people long for a bath in beguiling music, brutal jokes, bittersweet feelings and crazy ideas. Addictive potential is your musical antidepressant. So jump into the jacuzzi of good humor, into a ball pool from which you never want to be picked up. Bavarian Cabaret Prize 2021.

09.10.2024 Avant night #2 Dj Illvibe & Kofie Da Vibe at 20.00 in the Ostentor cinema
On two dates in the fall of 2024, the Ostentorkino will become a stage for modern, often improvised and forward-looking music. As DJ ILLVIBE, Vincent von Schlippenbach (the son of world-famous free jazz pianist Alexander von Schlippenbach) samples, manipulates and penetrates large voices, entire orchestras or even just individual instruments like no other. In this way, he creates his very own sound universe between hip hop, free jazz, sound experiment and noise.
At the Ostentor Cinema in Regensburg, he and legendary Krump performer KOFIE DA VIBE will present a show of uncompromising turntable art, large-scale shadow projection and expressive street dance created especially for the movie theater.

10-12.10.2024 Justus Krux: “Kommste noch auf nen Kaffee mit hoch?” at 7.30 pm at the STATT-THEATER cabaret stage
Jura Light program
You think the letters “BGB” are a WhatsApp abbreviation for “Please let me know” and BGH for “Going home soon!”
You don’t know the difference between “interpreting contracts” and “laying out carpets”? In other words: you don’t understand the lawyers and the lawyers don’t understand you! Then it’s time for Justus Krux.
In his new program, he brings people closer to “law light” – from the lawyer’s point of view, honest, open, ironic – simply humorously different…

10.10.2024 Regensburg Town Hall Concerts at 7.30 pm Historic Reichssaal in the Old Town Hall
The tenor Sebastian Kohlhepp and his piano accompanist Andreas Frese present piano songs by Schumann, Liszt and Sjörgen, to which one can add rhapsodic, folkloristic or historicizing subjects.

10.10.2024 Stefan Kröll at 20:00 at the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
Aufbruch! is the name of Stefan Kröll’s current cabaret program, with which the cabaret artist is going on tour. Departure into a new era? A departure from entrenched ways of thinking or simply a departure with the game – a Bavarian answer to Goethe’s “the crux of the matter”? As ambiguous as the title are his bizarre stories, cross-connections and mental leaps, which have long since become the trademark of his highly entertaining performances. “What is Hannibal doing with his remaining vacation?”

10.10.2024 Jens Düppe Quartet at 20.00 at the Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
‘Ten Years’ – “A Leading Light For Modern Jazz”

In 10 years of stage experience together, Jens Düppe’s quartet has developed its compact sound and its very own and captivating way of musical conversation.
The quartet led by the Cologne-based drummer and WDR Jazz Prize winner has already impressed with its first albums and elicited reactions such as “leading light for modern jazz” (Midwest record) or “best European jazz” (Jazzpodium). In 2018, Düppe was nominated for the ECHO Jazz award as “best drummer nationally”.

10-13.10.2024 Music festival Unternehmen Gegenwart – Katzenjammer 2024
From Thursday, October 10 to Sunday, October 13, the Association for the Promotion of Contemporary Music in Regensburg is organizing six individual concerts at three venues. The concert series begins with this concert featuring works by Risset, Blanco, Camacho, Escudero, Pasoulas and Ramsauer.
Andreasstadel, M26 Culture Room Sudeten German Music Institute (SMI). Admission to the concerts is free.

10-12.10.2024 Miracles happen again and again at 19:30 in the Turmtheater Regensburg
Original quotes from politics, advertising, literature and television document the ups and downs of emancipation. We take you on a musical and scenic journey, a journey through time that begins in 1918 with women’s suffrage and ends today. Immerse yourself in the world of hits and chansons of the past 100 years.

11.10.2024 Autumn festival at the Bio Donaumarkt from 2.00 pm

11.10.2024 Poetry Slam at 20.00 h Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei
POETRY SLAM is a word sport, a fast-paced presentation of contemporary literature, a very different kind of reading with an audience vote. The MÄLZE SLAM has been one of the most successful and popular events of its kind in southern Germany for many years. As always, anyone who signs the list of poets on the evening can take part. Whether poetry or prose, serious or funny – any form of text is allowed when it comes to winning over the audience.

11.10.2024 Julie von Kessel reads from “Die andern sind das weite Meer” at 8.00 pm Dombrowsky bookshop
The Cramer family is in danger of being torn apart. His three adult children don’t want to admit that their father Hans is slowly but surely slipping into dementia. They are fighting too hard on their own fronts. Luka is hardly ever at home as a TV reporter, Tom is busy running his psychiatric clinic and Elena is obsessed with her childhood sweetheart. Believing that they are not understood by the others, they each carry their own baggage – until their father disappears without a trace.

11.10.2024 Contemporary music – concert with contemporary chamber music at 8.00 pm Festsaal des Bezirks Oberpfalz
Works by Daniel Toledo Guillén, Igor Jussim, Josef A. Ramsauer, Rainer Stegmann and Helmut Zapf as well as by Erwin Schulhoff (1894-1942)

An event in cooperation with the music festival UNTERNEHMEN GEGENWART, organized by the Verein zur Förderung der zeitgenössischen Musik Regensburg UNTERNEHMEN GEGENWART. Admission free!

12.10.2024 Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy plus Ned Collette at 8.00 pm in the Audimax
As a songwriter, BONNIE ‘PRINCE’ BILLY is in a league of his own. Many of his songs have long been part of the “All American Songbook” and have been covered by Johnny Cash (“I See A Darkness”), among others. He tells profound stories of a dark and sad world, but also of hope and redemption. Songs for eternity. Because BONNIE PRINCE BILLY is convinced that love, communication, cohesion and community are the antidote. Finally back in Germany after ten years to give one of his rare solo performances in Regensburg!

13.10.2024 Future dialog: Democracy at 6 p.m. in the Theater am Bismarckplatz
Since last season, Theater Regensburg has been addressing questions about the future and current challenges facing society in its FUTURE DIALOGUES series. Especially in times of uncertainty and upheaval, the theater is therefore a place of debate, a place where signs are set and open discourse is offered in order to reflect together again and again on the values of a democratic society. High-profile discussion partners have been recruited for the edition on October 13, 2024 under the title FUTURE DIALOGUE: DEMOCRACY. Michel Friedman and Anja Reschke will debate on stage at the Theater am Bismarckplatz, with Sonia Mikich as moderator.

13.10.2024 Concert with the Orchestra of the German Clarinet Society at 12.30 p.m. Dreieinigkeitskirche
A concert in cooperation with the Sing- und Musikschule Regensburg, conductor – Christof Hilgers. With works by Handel, Mozart, Berwald and many more. Admission is free – donations for the organ are welcome!

13.10.2024 Höfling Castle Concerts 2.30 pm Höfling Castle
Guitar afternoon: Laura Lootens, guitar
Works by I. Albéniz, J. Rodrigo, N. Paganini, M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco, among others…

13.10.2024 CULTURE AT THE STADIUM // Renner Ensemble – White and Blue at 7.30 pm at the Jahnstadion
Zugspitze, Königssee, Bavaria, FC Bayern, fairytale castles, Oktoberfest, the Alps, (folk) music…
Many of these well-known Bavarian facets can also be found in the “White and Blue” program. However, some selected pieces also look beyond the clichés and show new, previously unknown aspects of Bavarian cultural diversity.

13.10.2024 ImproTheater Chamäleon – “A life in black and white” at 7.30 pm in the Turmtheater Regensburg
As part of the city of Regensburg’s annual theme “Katzenjammer”, we take a close look at the photographs captured in old photo albums. We will resurrect the stories and the long-dead people in them on stage. Scenes, cheerful and wistful moments and crazy dialogs are created. Touching, fast-paced, humorous and rousing.

13.10.2024 Open studio day from 13.00 to 18.00 hrs

15.10.2024 Pascow at 20:00 Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei
With dynamically pumping bass riffs, forward-driving drums, polyphonic, psychedelic guitars, incredible vocal melodies bursting with harmonies that are hard to shake off, PASCOW have been delighting fans across scenes from punk to metal and from rock to indie for over 25 years. With anthems full of emotion, between despair and hope, they channel all the frustration, anger and injustice about the burgeoning grievances in society. This is how punk works today. Support: SYFF. Presented by VISIONS & OX FANZINE

15.10.2024 Joe Hertenstein Trio with Ray Anderson at 20.00 at the Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
“It is highly inspiring for me to write music for this quartet line-up, to imagine the music in my head, knowing about the dreamlike combination of Anderson and Moore and the endless melodic possibilities; to come up with formal structures in order to navigate them anew every evening with a master like Formanek. It will be groovy, it will be free, graceful and wild, all at the same time, it will be a feast.” Joe Hertenstein

Ray Anderson ©Erika Kapin


15.10.2024 Lyrik ist nicht schwyrik – Else Lasker-Schüler at 7.30 pm in the Thon-Dittmer-Palais
In the “Lyrik ist nicht schwyrik” series, the German scholar and journalist Christian Muggenthaler and the audience will explore approaches to poets and their poems in a relaxed atmosphere. It is not a lecture, a seminar, a lesson or a workshop, but a joint search: visitors look at texts, explore writing techniques and poetry tricks, sound out the effect of lyrical language and venture their first interpretations.

16-18.10.2024 No to money at 19:30 in the Turmtheater
It promises to be a nice evening with Richard and his wife Claire. The new parents have invited Richard’s mother Rose and Richard’s best friend Etienne to dinner. Richard has something to announce: He has won 162 million in the lottery. The evening takes an unusual turn when his nearest and dearest learn that he is giving up his winnings because money doesn’t make you happy. They can’t understand his decision. It’s not too late to cash in the lottery ticket, if only they could change Richard’s mind. How will the evening end?

17-23.10.2024 Queer-Streifen Filmfestival Cinemas in Andreasstadel
Regensburg has a diverse cinema and festival landscape (e.g. the Regensburg International Short Film Week, CinEScultura, Transit Filmfest, HARD:LINE Filmfestival, Silent Film Week). The Queer-Streifen Filmfestival shows LGBTQI*-themed feature films, documentaries and short films from all over the world.

17-19.10.2024 Sia Korthaus: “Wilder Wechsel” at 7.30 pm at the STATT-THEATER cabaret stage
The menopause is called the menopause because the hormones change temperature, fullness and mood for years.
But Sia Korthaus’ new program is not just about this topic. We all change something every day: some change partners more often than they change clothes, others prefer to change their home rather than their lifestyle. Sia Korthaus makes us change our perspective more often. A rollercoaster of emotions: funny, thought-provoking, profound, entertaining, worthwhile and definitely varied.

17.10.2024 “Is des a Gfrett” – dialect spectacle all about the Katzenjammer at 7.30 pm in the Thon-Dittmer-Palais
Reading with Grete Pickl, Klaus Schwarzfischer, Hubert Treml and Prof. Dr. Ludwig Zehetner
Dialect expert Prof. Dr. Ludwig Zehetner is dedicated to the “Katzenjammer”, which follows the intoxication, and other various types of “Wehdam”. The text and music contributions of the other actors express frustration, lovesickness, whining and failure in the Upper Palatinate style in astonishing variety. Admission: 15 euros, reduced 12 euros. Young people up to 25 years free. The event is kindly sponsored by the City of Regensburg as part of the annual cultural theme “Katzenjammer”.

17.10.2024 Insomnia Brass Band at 8.00 pm Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
Lucks, Schlichting and Marien are the miniature version of a brass band: they transcend their compact size with a raw, exuberant sound that you would expect from a much larger ensemble. Juggling shifting roles between rhythm and melody, they traverse a beguiling landscape of free jazz, funk, punk rock and New Orleans brass band. In 2023, the Insomnia Brass Band was awarded the German Jazz Prize as “Band of the Year”.

17.10.2024 Mälze Song Slam at 20.00 in the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
The MÄLZE SONG SLAM is back! Once again, eight songwriters each have eight minutes to convince the audience. During this time, everything that the stage can offer during the short breaks is allowed, whether it’s vocals and guitar or a flute-loop station massacre. The audience decides the winner of the evening through their applause. The two winners qualify for the grand annual final in December.

18-19.10.2024 KNEF. A (song) evening about Hilde at 19.00 at the Akademietheater
Für mich soll’s rote Rosen regnen or Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin – almost everyone can sing along to Hildegard Knef’s songs.

Despite her fame, she did not have an easy life. She was friends with Marlene Dietrich, Romy Schneider and Marilyn Monroe.
In Germany she was often controversial, she was loved and hated, in America she was the first German Broadway star. Hildegard Knef’s path and life were often rocky, and she had to fight hard and with great ambition for many things. She was one of the few international stars Germany ever had. Hiddenly admired and blatantly rejected. The woman with the unmistakable image: the deep, smoky, wicked tenor voice whose melodies all men could sing along to in the same octave.
As many highs as her career had, it had just as many lows. Hildegard Knef remained a driven woman throughout her life.
Meike Fabian reads texts about the eventful life of the last German diva and interprets well-known but also unknown songs by the great artist, accompanied by Ulli Forster and band.

19.10.2024 Ensemble “…sed vivam!”“Ein Meidlein tet mir klagen” – Katzenjammer in der Musik der Renaissance at 7 p.m. in the Runtingersaal
Lamentation has always been a subject that appealed to composers. In Elizabethan England, indulgent suffering was so fashionable that the era was also known as “The Age of Melancholy”.

They were particularly good at moaning and complaining about matters of the heart. However, when describing the various relationship problems, the tone could also be a little coarser or even raunchy.
In the role of Dürer’s Melencolia, culture prize winner Eva Sixt will make sure that no one has reason to complain – even if her pointed comments will bring tears to the eyes of many a whiner.

19.10.2024 Poison. A marriage story at 7.30 pm in the Turmtheater Regensburg
She and he meet alone in a cemetery. Ten years earlier, their child died and they separated.
As the soil in the cemetery is poisoned, the child is to be reburied. Now they are waiting for the cemetery administration, but soon they suspect that no one will come.
Instead, we get to know a pair of parents who have not been a couple for a long time. The fumbling conversation between the estranged couple is painful, at times violent but also comforting, and it develops into an attempt to bridge a deep gulf.

20.10.2024 Red Dons – The Wulffs at 18.00 Cultural Center Alte Mälzerei
The Wipers of the 21st century? Maybe. In any case, RED DONS from Portland (Oregon) are one of the best things punk has produced in the last two decades. Their sound mixes great dark punk with post-punk and garage elements. Despite the melancholy nuances, there is always enough room for pop edges and lively, gripping melodies that are instantly catchy. Hit after hit! The support act will be THE WULFFS, who are back live after an eight-year break.

20.10.2024 Improtheater Chamäleon: “Elternzeit” at 7.30 pm at the STATT-THEATER Kleinkunstbühne
What an emotional high: after months of sacrifice, back pain and the plagues of male co-pregnancy. The miracle of birth. Happiness. Harmony. Hormones.
But. From. Now. Will. It. EVEN. Worse…AH!!!! In this show, the chameleons face up to being a parent and child.
Do we now say “grandma and grandpa” to our own parents so as not to confuse the little ones? The Chameleons present: the first relationship of life!

20.10.2024 Sebastian 23 at 20:00 in the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
If you watch the news these days, you can’t help but feel that the end of the world is imminent. Reason enough for SEBASTIAN 23, award-winning author, comedian and incorrigible optimist, to take a closer look at the end of the world in his new program. In his usual skillful way, he plays with language, gets to the heart of the zeitgeist and drills for metaphors until it crackles. And he may even reveal how everything can turn out well. “Magnificent word acrobat and sharp-tongued thinker” (Die Zeit)

20.10.2024 Yankee Meier Organ Trio at 20.00 at the Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
The band’s music is characterized by the bluesy sound of Hans “Yankee” Meier’s guitar, the relaxed drum grooves of Peter Pöschl and embedded in the sound of Regensburg organist and pianist Andreas Osterholt’s Hammond.
The main focus of the concert will be the music of the BEATLES. The trio’s repertoire also includes original compositions and pieces by Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, George Benson, Nat Adderly, Peter Bernstein and Stevie Wonder.

23.10.2024 Folsom Prison Band – “Homage to Cash & Countrymusic” at 20:00 in the Alte Mälzerei cultural center
The Folsom Prison Band remembers the legendary Johnny Cash and continues what Cash once created. A tribute in honor of the king of country music with hits and rarities, ranging from early material to the late American Recordings. But there is more to this program: built around the songs of JR Cash, which take up almost half of the varied program, there is also material from his companions and those who influenced the “King of Country”: Willie Nelson is just as much a part of the program as Hank Williams, Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly.

23.10.2024 Balcony singing at 9.30 pm Theater am Bismarckplatz
Ten times, members of the ensemble will sing and make music for you from the balcony on Bismarckplatz. With one exception, always on a Wednesday and always at 9.30 pm, free of charge and outside. It is a special experience when the large square in front of the theater becomes an Italian piazza.

24.10.2024 Regensburg Town Hall Concerts at 7.30 pm Historic Reichssaal in the Old Town Hall
The LGT Young Soloists are an award-winning string ensemble with an incomparable concept: highly talented young soloists aged 13 to 25 from over 15 nations perform with their own orchestra. The audience can look forward to a musical journey from Schumann to Holst and Piazolla.

24.10.2024 Uwe Wittstock presents “Marseille 1940” – hosted by Ulrich Dombrowsky at 20:00 Dombrowsky bookshop
June 1940: Hitler’s Wehrmacht has defeated France. The Gestapo is searching for Heinrich Mann and Franz Werfel, Hannah Arendt, Lion Feuchtwanger and countless others who have found asylum in France since 1933. Meanwhile, the American Varian Fry arrives in Marseille to rescue as many of them as possible. Uwe Wittstock tells the stirring story of their escape at deadly risk.

24.10.2024 Oddarrang at 20.00 hrs Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
Since their debut album in 2005, Finnish post-rock cineastes Oddarrang have been captivating audiences with their unique blend of atmospheric, melodically infused and harmonically rich music, carried by an unusual combination of guitars, cello and trombone. In 2024, Oddarrang will release their sixth and declared final album. This highly anticipated release brings together all the elements of their previous works to create a musical masterpiece.

24-26.10.2024 Hans-Herrmann Thielke: “One for all” at 7.30 pm STATT-THEATER Kleinkunstbühne
A comedy program at the highest civil servant level!
We are living in difficult times today! People have more questions than answers, and many find it difficult to keep their heads above water and their feet on the ground.
Thielke feels that he has been richly blessed by life.
And now, on the other side of 60, he wants to give something back. To his audience ! To you !!! He gives answers to questions that have never been asked. He is also a real jack-of-all-trades! He sings, dances, juggles and tells cracking jokes that will bring tears to your eyes!

25-26.10.2024 La vie en rose Chanson evening with songs by Édith Piaf at 19:00 in the Akademietheater
Édith Piaf’s songs are among the most famous in the world.

She became a megastar with La vie en rose, Milord, Padam padam, Non, je ne regrette rien and Hymne à l’amour. Until her early death at the age of 47, love remained her main theme – in her chansons and in life. Her first record was released in 1935. When Piaf sings, she lives, she conjures, she searches – melancholy, desperate, defiant. With her powerful, expressive and passionate voice, she became the epitome of French chanson and was admired worldwide. “A chanson is nothing small or insignificant. It contains all pain and suffering, but also all earthly joys and all hope,” she said in an interview. For Piaf, the quality of a good chanson is first and foremost the poetry, then the music. It should be simple, popular and not vulgar. And a simple story, not complicated – a reflection on life. She penned several texts, for example La vie en rose (1946), one of her most famous and most covered songs.

26.10.2024 Besamim Quartet at 7.00 pm Natural History Museum of Eastern Bavaria
Chamber concert by the string ensemble with the musicians David Peterhoff & Cosima May-Wetzel violins), Lisa Klimbacher (viola), Elisabeth Schmack (violoncello). Admission free, donations are requested.

25-27.10.2024 Pop culture festival push5
At the end of October, Regensburg will once again be all about pop culture.

The REGENSBURG POPKULTUR FESTIVAL push focuses on a current, lively and innovative pop culture scene in Regensburg. The festival places the city’s creatives at the center of interest, presents young regional artists from the fields of music, cabaret, theater, literature, dance, film and visual arts and creates a forum for creatives from various other fields, such as graphic artists, designers, craftspeople, etc.

26.+27.10.2024 Match me if you can at 19:30 in the Turmtheater Regensburg
Immerse yourself in the turbulent world of online dating with “Match Me If You Can”, a lively romantic comedy from the pen of Nina Hartmann and Gregor Barcal. Experience the amusing and sometimes chaotic attempts of the protagonists to find love in the digital world. Between unsuccessful dates, funny misunderstandings and surprising twists, there’s not a dry eye in the house. Hartmann and Barcal manage to portray the everyday challenges of finding a partner in a humorous yet profound way.

27.10.2024 Höfling Castle Concerts at 14.30 Höfling Castle
Jazz afternoon with the Ukrainian/German band Bass&Bus

27.10.2024 Midnight – Concert by Brass Band Regensburg at 5.00 pm at Kolpinghaus
Just in time for the dark season, Brass Band Regensburg presents its new program “Midnight” and teaches its audience to be spooky. Between spooky melodies such as “Jaws” or “Slaughter on 10th Avenue”, the little ghost Casper, led by conductor Thomas Freiss, also scurries through the evening. Let yourself be surprised by what this ensemble, which plays in the style of British brass band culture, will conjure up on stage.

27.10.2024 Anniversary concert 20th anniversary of the Chamber Orchestra of the University of Regensburg KUR at 6.00 pm in the Audimax
To mark the 20th anniversary of its foundation, the Chamber Orchestra of the University of Regensburg (KUR) is giving a celebratory concert in the university’s Audimax.

The works performed in this concert range from Joseph Haydn’s Sinfonia Concertante to Emilie Mayer’s 3rd Overture and Richard Strauss’ duet Concertino for clarinet, bassoon and strings, as well as a composition by this year’s winner of the City of Regensburg’s Cultural Promotion Prize, the Regensburg composer Tomasz Skweres.

28.10.2024 Redd Kross – Dale Crover at 20.00 Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei
Formed in California in 1979 and based in punk rock, REDD KROSS quickly expanded their repertoire to include alternative rock, power pop and psychedelic power ballads, evolving into a truly killer pop-rock group. Their new album delivers their sharpest and most captivating songs to date and they impressively prove that they are no mere legend, but one of the most enduring and unique bands around. Now they are coming to Regensburg for one of only two concerts in Germany! Support: DALE CROVER (Melvins) with a special DJ and solo acoustic program.

30.10.2024 Daniil Trifonov at 20.00 University of Regensburg – Audimax
Piano recital

TSCHAIKOWSKY Piano Sonata in C sharp minor op. 80 posthumous. CHOPIN Selected Waltzes, BARBER Piano Sonata in E flat minor op. 26, CHAIKOVSKY Suite from the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” op. 66a (arranged by M. Pletnev)

31.10.2024 POPP at 20:00 in the Jazzclub im Leeren Beutel
Munich-based drummer and composer Simon Popp smashes his way through polyrhythmic structures with an incredible sense of timing and mood. He contrasts earthy and airy sounds, blurring the boundaries between the electronic and acoustic worlds and making a powerful statement about what contemporary percussion music can be today: A rich soundscape that makes use of the full range of all percussion instruments. Sometimes driving, sometimes meditative. In 2023, Simon Popp was awarded the Music Prize of the City of Munich.

31.10.2024 Jan Weiler at 20:00 at Ostentor-Kino
In his new book, JAN WEILER writes wittily, profoundly and humorously about love and the successful but completely single architect Peter Munk, who survives a heart attack in a department store at the age of 51. In the rehabilitation clinic, his therapist tells him to start his self-exploration with the people who have made him the man he is. And so, for the first time, he looks at the thirteen women in his life and the lessons he has learned from each of them. With a surprising outcome.

31.10.2024 TREAM at 20.00 Donau-Arena
TREAM, the innovative 24-year-old pop rapper from Bavaria, has taken the music world by storm and proves that he is here to stay. With his unique sound, which combines rap, electro/techno, rock and pop in a fascinating way and defies any conventional genre definition, he has captured the hearts of his fans. His biggest hit “Lebenslang” contains the catchy slogan “Bayern go high” and has already achieved over 90 million views, earning him his first platinum award and nationwide recognition.

31.10.2024 YELLOW CAB – with Anne Schnell and Steffi Denk, among others, at 20:00 Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei
Five voices, three guitars and two women. At least that’s how the motley acoustic combo describes itself.
They are joined by Steffi Denk and Anne Schnell (vocals, percussion), Matthias Klimmer (guitars, vocals), Florian Kopp (guitars, vocals) and Maximilian Maier (bass, percussion, vocals). The five invite the audience on a musical cab ride that takes them across country from the Beatles Highway, Queen Street, Sting Road and Michael Jackson Boulevard to stops at Kurt Ostbahn or James Tyler.


We wish you a wonderful October!

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