Interview,  Literature

Beate Teresa Hanika

A FEW QUESTIONS FOR…the Regensburg author Beate Teresa Hanika

Regensburg-born Beate Teresa Hanika has been writing stories and poems since she was ten years old. So it’s no surprise that she has already published 11 books.
She is not only a writer, but also a photographer and used to work as a model.
Her debut novel “Rotkäppchen muss weinen” was awarded the Oldenburg Children’s and Youth Book Prize and nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize. Her book “Das Marillenmädchen” was her first novel for adults – the Berliner Zeitung wrote: “A touching book”. Her new novel “Vom Ende eines langen Sommers” has just been published by btb-Verlag. On November 23, 2018, actress Meike Fabian will read from the book at the Hotel Orphée. Author Beate Hanika will of course also be there.
We asked the likeable Regensburg native a few questions:

RegensburgNow: Dear Beate,

What have been the stages of your life so far?
I was born in Regensburg and grew up in Burglengenfeld. During my time as a model, I traveled to Paris, Milan, London, Berlin and Vienna. I got married at 27, settled down and had two children. At the same time, my first book “Little Red Riding Hood Must Cry” was published by Fischer. Since then, a book has been published every year by me or in collaboration with my sister Susanne Hanika – who is also an author. Since this year I have turned my second passion, dancing, into a profession and work as a trainer at Rock’n Pole Regensburg. Writing, dancing, my children and my animals fill my days completely and make me very happy and content. Three character traits with which you would spontaneously describe yourself:
patient, persistent, curious

What do you particularly like about Regensburg?
Regensburg is the most beautiful city in the world 😉 I am incredibly happy to live here. There is this beautiful old town with pubs and small stores, cafes and squares where you can sit in the summer and have a glass of wine or several. I love sitting by the Danube or swimming in the summer or walking my dogs there. I also appreciate the people of Regensburg, although they are often a bit grumpy. My favorite is Stadtamhof. It’s not quite so crowded there in summer and everyone somehow knows everyone else.

Is there anything you like less about Regensburg?
The foggy winters. When you don’t see the sun for weeks on end. I hope this winter will be different…

Your new novel “Vom Ende eines langen Sommers” was recently published. What is your new book about?
Basically, it’s about saying goodbye to your own mother. The story is embedded in the setting of northern Tuscany. I tell the story of Marielle and her mother, who as a young girl witnessed the partisan uprising in the mountains of Tuscany at the end of the Second World War.

Do you actually have a favorite book?
I don’t read very much. No, I don’t think I have an absolute favorite book.

You are also a photographer. What do you like to photograph?
At the moment I’m almost exclusively photographing dancers.

What do you particularly like about your work?
The freedom to organize my time. But it can also be a curse when I have a slump and put off writing. Then I often need my sister to kick my butt. Especially with joint projects.

Where do you get your inspiration for writing?
From dancing and nature. I spend a lot of time on horseback. The silence in the woods often brings the best ideas to light.

The Regensburg question: Knackersemmel or princess chocolates?
Neither. More like Bircher muesli in the Orphee 🙂

Do you have a favorite author?
It used to be John Irving. He inspired me a lot. I don’t particularly like German authors. Their writing is often too dry and depressing for me. I’m more in favor of happy endings. That makes me happier as a reader. Please describe Regensburg briefly in your own words:
Regensburg has an open heart. I hope it stays that way in the future.

What is your favorite place or favorite spot in or around Regensburg?
I can’t even make up my mind. There are so many beautiful places. But Orphee is definitely one of them. A quick coffee at the bar in the morning and the day gets off to a good start.

What is your next project?
My next book is currently being put together in my head. When it’s ready, I’ll sit down and write it down.

Dear Beate, thank you very much for your answers! On Friday, 23.11.2018, the reading from the new novel
“Vom Ende eines langen Sommers” will take place at the Hotel Orphée. It starts at 8.00 pm and admission costs €11.00.

Beate Hanika


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