
a bit of color & FRIENDS


Center for what? Yes, you read that right: for joie de vivre. It’s here in our city, in Regensburg. And it’s in a wonderful location, near Prüfeningen Castle, surrounded by greenery. I was there last fall at the start of “Lockdown Light” and got to meet the founder Veronika Kammholz. A bundle of energy who radiates so much positive energy and laughs so much that you don’t wonder for a second why this young woman founded a center for joie de vivre. “Bring on the beautiful, colorful life” is one of Veronika’s mottos. I think we can all do with that right now, which is why we invited Veronika Kammholz, who is not only a coach but also the author of “Lebensfroh. … and that’s how”, a few questions:

Dear Veronika,

You founded the company a bit of color & FRIENDS. What’s behind the name?
The little bit of color (in life) and the name have been around since I started my own business, in other words since November 2013.
The color is also the common thread that has run through my life since the very beginning and simply belongs in every life. When the limited company was founded, FRIENDS (and families) were added to the company name. I want everyone who has supported me mentally and in word and deed over the last few years to feel addressed.
I do a lot on my own here and it’s nice for me to know and feel how many people believe in me and the vision of giving life and the whole world and hearts more color again. That’s powerful.

You can be found in one of the most beautiful places in Regensburg: Prüfening Castle. There you have created the wonderful “Center for joie de vivre”. What can we expect there?
Exactly what the name promises: joie de vivre (and lightness) down to the smallest detail, from the pen to the mood, from the coffee to the coaching. We know how joie de vivre works😂. At the same time, the center is an ode to life itself, where it is easy to fall in love with life anew every day.
We are providers of coaching training & seminars and in all our formats you will experience “how joy works” and how you can invite it into your life again and again and also support others in clearing up their construction sites and going through life joyfully and powerfully. Your motto is “Joyful. Rocks.” I have already experienced your power and joie de vivre live, you literally bubble over with ideas and know how to inspire others. Where do you get so much positive energy from?
I love life and people. I always have. Life is my coach. Every day anew. I never get bored.
And I’ve always lived all colors. Especially as a child, I got to know a lot of fears and today I can (solve) fear and anxiety really well. Laughter has always been a great source of energy for me. I’ve always loved to laugh, simply for the sake of laughing, and I still do today. Really, really a lot. I love the sound.
I also make sure I get enough exercise and time alone. That’s where I get my energy from, as much as I like being with people. And, and, and … like a mosaic of joie de vivre, there are lots of things that help me to get (back) into a good state again and again and faster and faster.

Life Coach Veronika Kammholz

What are your impulses in espresso length?
At first it was an idea. An idea for a coaching format, our Coaching Café. An idea that what works (also in coaching) often doesn’t take much time at all.
But often much less. One sentence, one word, one impulse is enough. Which is then allowed to unfold its effect. So it often takes no longer than the length of an espresso 😉.
It is a reminder that life is not complex and an invitation to believe again that the solution can happen easily and quickly.
We and our participants drink espresso. But not just any espresso, a good one. Lovingly and slowly prepared with a portafilter machine. Because: EVERYTHING WORKS – our coaching principle.
This has resulted in a registered trademark under which all our formats, including our life coach training, run and are certified, and all of them contain their impulses in espresso length. Come and find out. We are much better experienced than explained …. 😃

What is your favorite place in or around Regensburg?
Here (Prüfeningen Castle). Honestly. I am very grateful to have said “YES” to my courage and to this place. Today more than ever before. Apart from that, I like everything “up there”: the Winzerer Heights, Kager. I feel at home everywhere and can tidy myself up where I feel space, am free and have a vision.

a bit of color & FRIENDS GmbH. Center for joie de vivre – Coaching Café – Seminars & trainings at the castle – Conference rooms

What are you currently working on or what is your next project?
I am currently working hard with my team to take our colorful training program and our formats all over the world.
Online is now expanding the radius even further. We have participants from DACH (editor’s note: Germany, Austria, Switzerland). A great new opportunity and, of course, a challenge for us at the same time.
It feels like we’ve only just moved into the new premises (soon to be another 2 years ago).
Over the past few months, we’ve had to learn to “package” our wonderful center, to somehow bring our “everything works” coaching principle to our customers’ homes, to encourage participants to put their trust in us and to make it fun, otherwise it won’t work. I think we’re doing that quite well now. I’m actually surprised at how well it’s working. That gives me confidence. I also want to devote time to my second book. I won’t get bored, that’s for sure. That’s also the nice thing about this place, it’s big enough for all my ideas and more. That means staying flexible, who knows today what will happen at the end of the year😉. I like to let life surprise me.

The phrase “Bring on the beautiful, colorful life” is another motto at a bit of color & FRIENDS. That’s easier said than done after a year of pandemic. What advice do you have for making life more colorful?
First of all, take stock of your feelings and thoughts – a different kind of “check-in”, so to speak 😃😅
Perceive what is. Take a deep breath and consciously notice what might not feel so colorful/joyful right now. What is particularly missing in this very different time. And also look at everything that is “colorful”. Which may even be more colorful than expected.
Then, let everything be there. Accepting what is, feeling the resistance and letting go/breathing helps 😉.
And finally, go and ask yourself:
How can I make this or that area of my life more colorful/relaxed/easier…? What do I need specifically in the here and now, who or what can help me, support me, etc.?
Let’s take a concrete example, e.g. traveling. A topic that is sorely lacking for many people at the moment.
As a possible self-coaching question: Who do I associate travel with particularly strongly?
Then simply pick up the phone or Zoom and reminisce together. At a recent seminar, we used Zoom to add photos from our travels to our profile backgrounds and shared them, which was really nice. I immediately took a screenshot with all the great places.
So: make it colorful NOW or, as I recently read so beautifully at a clothing outfitter: You can not control the weather, so you better be well prepared. A good mood in the sunshine is easy, almost !!! anyone can. Everything else is awareness and training and the current situation offers us enough material for that 😁. That’s why I really believe what I’m writing: now is the best time!

Thank you so much for the interview, Veronika!

If you want to find out more, click here to go to the homepage of a bit of color & FRIENDS

a bit of color & FRIENDS GmbH
Zentrum für Lebensfreude – Coaching Café – Seminare & Ausbildungen am Schloss – Tagungs-Räume
Prüfeninger Schloßstraße 73, 93051 Regensburg
+ 49 (0) 941 206 035 10


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